Coast Consignment is not hiring new employees. If you are contacted by someone purporting to be from our company and offering you a job and/or requesting money from you, this is not our company.

Please contact your local police department and anti-fraud centre to report this.


"Winnipeg" By Roman Swiderek

SKU: 1000-1008-3

"Winnipeg" By Roman Swiderek

SKU: 1000-1008-2

'Bearded Iris' Photograph

SKU: 9011-002-1

'Bearded Iris' Photograph

SKU: 9011-002

French Poster

SKU: 8909-005

Tree Print

SKU: 8997-009

Mid-Century Modern Print

SKU: 9000-001

Tanya Gleave Print

SKU: 8983-004

Chrysler Building Photo

SKU: 8487-007
