Scam Warning: We Are Not Hiring Remote Workers
Beware of an online scam falsely claiming we are hiring remote staff. Do not engage with them or send them money under any circumstances. If you have been targeted, report via the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website or by calling 1-888-495-8501.

How to Consign

1Contact Us

Email us photos with information about age, physical condition, brand name etc.

2Item Appraisal

Receive an overall value for your items by email.

3Pick-Up or Drop-Off

Book a day and time with Coast Consignment for drop off. If needed we can help arrange movers to pick it up at your cost. A contract must be signed before items arrive. We cannot take items we have not already seen and approved.

4Receive Payment

Cheques can be mailed or picked up in-store once all items have sold. Please contact us to arrange payment and confirm your mailing address.
E-Transfer payments available upon request

Frequently Asked Questions about Selling/Consigning

How long does it take to sell my items?

Most items sell within the first 10-12 weeks. Sometimes an item may take longer and the more items in a consignment, the longer it can take to sell all items. Ideally the account is finished within 3-6 months.

How much commission do you charge?

Our commission split is 60% to us and 40% to the consignor. We work to sell your item for as much as possible as the more we sell it for the more we both receive.

What happens if my item doesn't sell?

In the unlikely event that your item has not sold after 6-9 months we will contact you to discuss what you would like to do. Options include: a) Trying the item for a few more weeks b) Lowering the price c)Delivering the item back to you (at your cost) d) Donating the item to a worthwhile charity (Sometimes an option for a lower value item)

How do you lower the price?

We give you a high and low estimate of what your item will sell for. We start the item at the high estimate (sometimes more if appropriate). Your item can sell anywhere between the low and high value.

How much does a pickup cost?

Coast Consignment can help you find a mover and arrange the pick up but the cost is the responsibility of the consignor and must be paid to the moving & delivery company directly by the consignor. Keep in mind that a pick up charge will involve:

  • travel time of the truck to and from your home
  • proper packaging of your items if needed
  • removal of the items from your home (apartments take longer)
  • proper securing of items in truck
  • unloading of items at Coast Consignment
Can I find out how my items are doing?

Call us or email us at anytime. We may have to call you back if we are busy with a customer etc. We generally recommend leaving it for a minimum of 10-12 weeks before you call for an account status update.

Is my item insured?

Yes. All consignments will have mandatory insurance added to them. The cost is a minimum $30 per $1000 based on the high estimate of your appraisal.

What happens if I have a very valuable item?

Sometimes the value of certain items needs to be researched to determine their value. In most cases an appraiser will get back to you with an estimate within a few days. We have many selling avenues to help you realize excellent prices for your more valuable items.

What happens to my items after they are picked up?

Your items are brought back to our heated warehouse, inspected, labeled, placed on our showroom floor, and photographed. We do our best to list as many items as we can on our website but not all items make it on as we have several thousand items in store at one time.

Does every item get listed on your website?

Not always. We have clients all over the world and sometimes we can arrange an advantageous sale without an item being listed. For example, generally speaking, a good European oil painting will sell better in Europe so we arrange this.

Can I get my item back if I change my mind about selling it?

When you sign our contract you are committing your item to us for 12 weeks. If you cancel before this, there is a charge of 20% of the high estimate to cover all of the work that we have done. There is no charge after 12 weeks.

Can you do a repair if my item needs it?

All items for consignment must be “sale-ready.” This means that items must be clean, dusted, have all parts & pieces and small repairs made first before they arrive at our store. Due to the large amount of items we receive weekly we do not have time to clean or do most repairs and our commission does not cover this. Silverplate items that arrive tarnished and unpolished do not have any value and we cannot sell them. If the item you have is very special and is deemed worth it, with your permission we can have a cleaning, polishing or a repair done. We will only pursue this if the item will sell for a much greater price after it is repaired. Repairs are paid for by the Consignor. Please remember that the better physical condition your item is in, the more we can get for it.